draft-ietf-netconf-configuration-tracing-02.txt   draft-ietf-netconf-configuration-tracing-03.txt 
OPSAWG J. Quilbeuf OPSAWG J. Quilbeuf
Internet-Draft B. Claise Internet-Draft B. Claise
Intended status: Standards Track Huawei Intended status: Standards Track Huawei
Expires: 21 April 2025 T. Graf Expires: 24 April 2025 T. Graf
Swisscom Swisscom
D. Lopez D. Lopez
Telefonica I+D Telefonica I+D
Q. Sun Q. Sun
China Telecom China Telecom
18 October 2024 21 October 2024
External Trace ID for Configuration Tracing External Trace ID for Configuration Tracing
draft-ietf-netconf-configuration-tracing-02 draft-ietf-netconf-configuration-tracing-03
Abstract Abstract
Network equipment are often configured by a variety of network Network equipment are often configured by a variety of network
management systems (NMS), protocols, and teams. If a network issue management systems (NMS), protocols, and teams. If a network issue
arises (e.g., because of a wrong configuration change), it is arises (e.g., because of a wrong configuration change), it is
important to quickly identify the root cause and obtain the reason important to quickly identify the root cause and obtain the reason
for pushing that modification. Another potential network issue can for pushing that modification. Another potential network issue can
stem from concurrent NMSes with overlapping intents, each having stem from concurrent NMSes with overlapping intents, each having
their own tasks to perform. In such a case, it is important to map their own tasks to perform. In such a case, it is important to map
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This Internet-Draft will expire on 21 April 2025. This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2025.
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support new services. Therefore, we need to be able to trace a support new services. Therefore, we need to be able to trace a
configuration modification on a device back to the reason that configuration modification on a device back to the reason that
triggered that modification, for instance in a NMS, whether the triggered that modification, for instance in a NMS, whether the
controller or the orchestrator. controller or the orchestrator.
This specification focuses only on configuration pushed via NETCONF This specification focuses only on configuration pushed via NETCONF
[RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040]. The rationale for this choice is [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040]. The rationale for this choice is
that NETCONF is better suited for normalization than other protocols that NETCONF is better suited for normalization than other protocols
(SNMP, CLI). Another reason is that the notion of trace context, (SNMP, CLI). Another reason is that the notion of trace context,
useful to track configuration modifications, has been ported to useful to track configuration modifications, has been ported to
NETCONF in [I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] and RESTCONF in NETCONF in [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] and RESTCONF in
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-restconf-trace-ctx-headers]. [I-D.ietf-netconf-restconf-trace-ctx-headers].
The same network element, or NETCONF [RFC6241] server, can be The same network element, or NETCONF [RFC6241] server, can be
configured by different NMSs or NETCONF clients. If an issue arises, configured by different NMSs or NETCONF clients. If an issue arises,
one of the starting points for investigation is the configuration one of the starting points for investigation is the configuration
modification on the devices supporting the impacted service. In the modification on the devices supporting the impacted service. In the
best case, there is a dedicated user for each client and the best case, there is a dedicated user for each client and the
timestamp of the modification allows tracing the problematic timestamp of the modification allows tracing the problematic
modification to its cause. In the worst case, everything is done by modification to its cause. In the worst case, everything is done by
the same user and some more correlations must be done to trace the the same user and some more correlations must be done to trace the
problematic modification to its source. problematic modification to its source.
This document specifies a mechanism to automatically map the This document specifies a mechanism to automatically map the
configuration modifications to their source, up to a specific NMS configuration modifications to their source, up to a specific NMS
service request. Practically, this mechanism annotates configuration service request. Practically, this mechanism annotates configuration
changes on the configured element with sufficient information to changes on the configured element with sufficient information to
unambiguously identify the corresponding transaction, if any, on the unambiguously identify the corresponding transaction, if any, on the
element that requested the configuration modification. It reuses the element that requested the configuration modification. It reuses the
concept of Trace Context [W3C-Trace-Context] applied to NETCONF as in concept of Trace Context [W3C-Trace-Context] applied to NETCONF as in
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] The information needed to [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] The information needed to
trace the configuration is stored in a new YANG module that maps a trace the configuration is stored in a new YANG module that maps a
local configuration change to some additional metadata. The local configuration change to some additional metadata. The
additional metadata contains the trace ID, and, if the local change additional metadata contains the trace ID, and, if the local change
is not the beginning of the trace, the ID of the client that is not the beginning of the trace, the ID of the client that
triggered the local-change. In that sense, it is an instance of the triggered the local-change. In that sense, it is an instance of the
YANG DataStore implementation of the Trace Context as proposed in YANG DataStore implementation of the Trace Context as proposed in
Section 1.2 of [I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. Section 1.2 of [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension].
2. Terminology 2. Terminology
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
"OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
capitals, as shown here. capitals, as shown here.
This document uses the terms client and server from [RFC6241]. This document uses the terms client and server from [RFC6241].
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3. Use cases 3. Use cases
This document was written with autonomous networks in mind. We This document was written with autonomous networks in mind. We
assume that an existing monitoring or assurance system, such as assume that an existing monitoring or assurance system, such as
described in [RFC9417], is able to detect and report network described in [RFC9417], is able to detect and report network
anomalies , e.g. SLA violations, intent violations, network failure, anomalies , e.g. SLA violations, intent violations, network failure,
or simply a customer issue. Here are the use cases for the proposed or simply a customer issue. Here are the use cases for the proposed
YANG module; they are extensions of the "Provisioning root cause YANG module; they are extensions of the "Provisioning root cause
analysis" use case presented in Section 1.3.1 of analysis" use case presented in Section 1.3.1 of
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension].
3.1. Configuration Mistakes 3.1. Configuration Mistakes
Taking into account that many network anomalies are due to Taking into account that many network anomalies are due to
configuration mistakes, this mechanism allows to find out whether the configuration mistakes, this mechanism allows to find out whether the
offending configuration modification was triggered by a tracing- offending configuration modification was triggered by a tracing-
enabled client/NMS. In such a case, we can map the offending enabled client/NMS. In such a case, we can map the offending
configuration modification id on a server/NE to a local configuration configuration modification id on a server/NE to a local configuration
modification id on the client/NMS. Assuming that this mechanism (the modification id on the client/NMS. Assuming that this mechanism (the
YANG module) is implemented on the controller, we can recursively YANG module) is implemented on the controller, we can recursively
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This document assumes that each NETCONF client for which This document assumes that each NETCONF client for which
configuration must be traced (for instance orchestrator and configuration must be traced (for instance orchestrator and
controllers) has a unique client ID among the other NETCONF clients controllers) has a unique client ID among the other NETCONF clients
in the network. Such an ID could be an IP address or a host name. in the network. Such an ID could be an IP address or a host name.
The mechanism for providing and defining this client ID is out of The mechanism for providing and defining this client ID is out of
scope of the current document. scope of the current document.
4.3. Instantiating the YANG module 4.3. Instantiating the YANG module
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] defines a NETCONF [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] defines a NETCONF extension
extension providing the trace context from [W3C-Trace-Context]. providing the trace context from [W3C-Trace-Context]. Using this
Using this mechanism, the NETCONF server captures the trace-id, when mechanism, the NETCONF server captures the trace-id, when available,
available, and maps it to a local commit ID, by populating the YANG and maps it to a local commit ID, by populating the YANG module.
The trace context from W3C provides a parent-id. This parent-id does The trace context from W3C provides a parent-id. This parent-id does
not identify a particular server or NMS but rather one request in the not identify a particular server or NMS but rather one request in the
chain of HTTP requests constituting the trace. Similarly to the chain of HTTP requests constituting the trace. Similarly to the
passing of the trace context in passing of the trace context in
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension], we propose an XML [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension], we propose an XML attribute
attribute on NETCONF messages to pass the client-id. The attribute on NETCONF messages to pass the client-id. The attribute name is
name is "client-id" and the namespace is the namespace of the YANG "client-id" and the namespace is the namespace of the YANG module
module from Section 5, namely 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf- from Section 5, namely 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-external-
external-transaction-id'. An example of a commit message including transaction-id'. An example of a commit message including the
the client-id is shown in Figure 4. client-id is shown in Figure 4.
+---------------+ +---------------+
| Orchestrator | | Orchestrator |
+---------------+ +---------------+
| tr-1, tx-1 | tr-1, tx-1
v v
+---------------+ +---------------+
| Controller | | Controller |
+---------------+ +---------------+
tr-1, tx-2 | | tr-1, tx-3 tr-1, tx-2 | | tr-1, tx-3
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+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| NE1 | | NE2 | | NE1 | | NE2 |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
Figure 1: Example of Hierarchical Configuration. tx: transaction. Figure 1: Example of Hierarchical Configuration. tx: transaction.
tr: trace. tr: trace.
In Figure 1, the transactions 'tx-1', 'tx-2' and 'tx-3' are sent via In Figure 1, the transactions 'tx-1', 'tx-2' and 'tx-3' are sent via
NETCONF. The NETCONF RPC used, most likely 'commit' in our use case, NETCONF. The NETCONF RPC used, most likely 'commit' in our use case,
is annotated with the 'traceparent' annotation as defined in is annotated with the 'traceparent' annotation as defined in
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. The traceparent [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. The traceparent annotation
annotation has the same trace id 'tr-1' for each of these has the same trace id 'tr-1' for each of these transactions.
transactions. Additionally, for each transaction the client id is Additionally, for each transaction the client id is passed via the
passed via the 'client-id' annotation. For 'tx-1' the client-id is 'client-id' annotation. For 'tx-1' the client-id is the id of the
the id of the Orchestrator. For 'tx-2' and 'tx-3', the client is the Orchestrator. For 'tx-2' and 'tx-3', the client is the id of the
id of the Controller. Controller.
It is technically possible that several clients push configuration to It is technically possible that several clients push configuration to
the candidate configuration datastore and only one of them commits the candidate configuration datastore and only one of them commits
the changes to the running configuration datastore. From the running the changes to the running configuration datastore. From the running
configuration datastore perspective, which is the effective one, configuration datastore perspective, which is the effective one,
there is a single modification, but caused by several clients, which there is a single modification, but caused by several clients, which
means that this modification should have several corresponding means that this modification should have several corresponding
client-ids. Although, this case is technically possible, it is a bad client-ids. Although, this case is technically possible, it is a bad
practice. We won’t cover it in this document. In other terms, we practice. We won’t cover it in this document. In other terms, we
assume that a given configuration modification on a server is caused assume that a given configuration modification on a server is caused
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on [W3C-Trace-Context], we could also use associated mechanisms on [W3C-Trace-Context], we could also use associated mechanisms
for collecting and representing trace data such as OTLP. For for collecting and representing trace data such as OTLP. For
instance, we could define a YANG model matching the OTLP instance, we could define a YANG model matching the OTLP
protobuffer definition (draft: https://github.com/rgaglian/ietf- protobuffer definition (draft: https://github.com/rgaglian/ietf-
netconf-trace-context-extension/blob/main/ietf-netconf-otlp- netconf-trace-context-extension/blob/main/ietf-netconf-otlp-
protocol.tree). In that case the client-id could be a specific protocol.tree). In that case the client-id could be a specific
attribute of the spans list. attribute of the spans list.
10. Normative References 10. Normative References
[I-D.ietf-netconf-transaction-id] [I-D.ietf-netconf-restconf-trace-ctx-headers]
Lindblad, J., "Transaction ID Mechanism for NETCONF", Work
in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-
transaction-id-01, 4 July 2023,
Gagliano, R., Larsson, K., and J. Lindblad, "RESTCONF Gagliano, R., Larsson, K., and J. Lindblad, "RESTCONF
Extension to support Trace Context Headers", Work in Extension to Support Trace Context Headers", Work in
Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-rogaglia-netconf-restconf- Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-
trace-ctx-headers-00, 6 July 2023, trace-ctx-headers-02, 25 September 2024,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-rogaglia- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netconf-
netconf-restconf-trace-ctx-headers-00>. restconf-trace-ctx-headers-02>.
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension] [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]
Gagliano, R., Larsson, K., and J. Lindblad, "NETCONF Gagliano, R., Larsson, K., and J. Lindblad, "NETCONF
Extension to support Trace Context propagation", Work in Extension to support Trace Context propagation", Work in
Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-rogaglia-netconf-trace- Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-
ctx-extension-03, 6 July 2023, extension-01, 8 July 2024,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-rogaglia- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netconf-
netconf-trace-ctx-extension-03>. trace-ctx-extension-01>.
Lindblad, J., "Transaction ID Mechanism for NETCONF", Work
in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-
transaction-id-07, 19 October 2024,
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
[RFC6241] Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., [RFC6241] Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
(NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011, (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6241>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6241>.
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w3ctc:traceparent= w3ctc:traceparent=
"00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01" "00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01"
ext-txid:client-id="controller-01"> ext-txid:client-id="controller-01">
<commit/> <commit/>
</rpc> </rpc>
Figure 4: Example of NETCONF commit RPC with annotations Figure 4: Example of NETCONF commit RPC with annotations
In Figure 4, we present an RPC annotated with the traceparent and the In Figure 4, we present an RPC annotated with the traceparent and the
client-id. The traceparent example is taken from client-id. The traceparent example is taken from
[I-D.rogaglia-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. The client-id annotation [I-D.ietf-netconf-trace-ctx-extension]. The client-id annotation is
is defined in our YANG module. Here the client-id passed is defined in our YANG module. Here the client-id passed is
'controller-01'. 'controller-01'.
Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Mohamed Boucadair, Jan Linblad and The authors would like to thank Mohamed Boucadair, Jan Linblad and
Roque Gagliano for their reviews and propositions. Roque Gagliano for their reviews and propositions.
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Jean Quilbeuf Jean Quilbeuf
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